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Monday May 15th 1882.
The diaphragm and case used in making the
phonogram, (shown and described upon p.5,) was
then taken, and the thread attached to the center of the large diaphragm.(13.5 cm diam. 0.02 in. thick)

The articulations obtained in this way was as clear, and distinct, as with the smaller diaphragms but the sounds were much feebler.

At the suggestion of Dr. Bell an arrangement which he has been experimenting with lately was tried upon this phonogram. I am not familiar with the exact internal construction of the arrangement used, as it was made by the Dr.; but - I think that the following diagram of the apparatus will not be far from the actual instrument used.

[[image - diagram of instrument with areas labeled A-H]]

A, is the paraffin-wax phonogram; B, brass tube having a cork stopper in each and C-D; E, hearing tube communicating with the interior of tube B, F, is a flexible rubber bag placed inside tube B, and forms a portion of the air tube leading from the bellows G, to the glass jet H, placed immediately opposite the indentations of the phonogram. In reproducing this arrangement a current of air from the bellows was forced
Noted by S.T. May 15 - 1882 - over