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Brief Report on Trip to Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, May 25, 1923, to
February, 18, 1924.    A. S. Hitchcock
In order to place on record the economic results of the trip they will be here outlined, though the results of technical botanical interest will be presented in detail later for publication. It should be noted, however, that the botanical information obtained is the real basis for a complete knowledge of the grazing industry of the countries visited.  For work in Ecuador financial aid was contributed by the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University and the New York Botanical Garden, which institutions shared in the specimens obtained.
I left New York May 25th on a Panama Railroad steamer for Panama where I remained a few days until I could sail on the Peruvian Line for Guayaquil, at which Ecuadorean port I arrived June 16th.  For two weeks headquarters were made at Guayaquil. Through the kindness of Mr. Orr, geologist, and Mr. Clark, Manager, I was able to spend about a week at the Oil Camp, between Guayaquil and Salinas, where the Standard Oil Company was drilling a test well.
About July 1 I went to Huigra where I made my headquarters for four weeks. Huigra is a station (4000 ft.) on the railroad from Guayaquil to Quito, the only railroad of importance in Ecuador. Excursions were made up and down the railroad and to several places on the coastal plain, namely, to Milagro, a sugar plantation, managed by Mr. Perez, to Teresita, a banana plantation, owned by Mr. Cleveland, and to Plantatión Panigón