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/ey lkd fr / cars - at / tip o / green brush (li prolongd pine needles) / grotesque forms o / branches seem'd as if / wood or pulp, whatr /ey r made o - w so weak it cd x support a perpendic or ord branch. [[image- drawing of forked cactus with flowers]] move this rt fork 2 left 2 make narrow V /se stump lkg figs seen ab / sage brush dott'g / long stretch o desert & seen ag / far mts on wh a blk cloud /ro wh / sun w draw'g water. Unique landscape. Man on cars selling big blk Cal cherries. N mid o desert we came 2 a big church wi high spire - Lancaster - x 2 doz houses - desolate - wind blowg dust n sts - aspens shiverg - x cultiv - sage brush alm 2 door o church. Only bird I saw close eno 2 identify on / desert w a meadow [[superscript]] [7] [[/superscript]]