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nside as long as my patience lasted. Kept hearg fr him & woke, a jumble o songs - among wh a warbler - prob. 1) [[underlined]] D. celata lutescens [[/underlined]] & 2) [[underlined]] Habia melanocephala [[/underlined]] predominatd. I hd [[underlined]] H. wi. [[/underlined]] wondergly at 1st. b on recog / robin shy then I soon recognzd him.
Fortunately I fd on going out t a /icket o willows, /is [[image: arrow, points to space where leaf was once taped]] & syc borderd a (slow, /ey call it [[insertion]] [[image: arrow]] & a foot bridge [[/insertion]] passd so close 2 / trees I saw a no. o bds. [[underlined]] Spinus psaltria [[/underlined]] w sittg on a telegraph wire as we passd 2 / bridge & leand over 2 scrape his bill or attend 2 o/er details o his toilet so t I h a good lk, /ro my glass, [24]