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as bare as a [[hop?]] pole, & /is w used by a dear little [[superscript]] 7) [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Melospiza fasciata [[/underlined]] heermanii (?) f a singing post. Ag & ag it came bk after flyg down among / willows, each time /owg up its head & sing'g w / sunlight wi/in a rod or 2 o where people w passg on / bridge. It sat very straight & / sunlight fell - on its breast or down its back as it sat facing one way or / o/er. It must h flown up 1/2 a doz times as we stood /re. Ano/er song came out o / denser lower /icket - & I quite missd / old hand-tied-up ask refuse ga/g darkey who came up as out o / sluggish malarial /iket by a mt - trail. / bd must h b  [[superscript]] 8) [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Turdus [[ronalischkas?]] [[/underlined]] its song w so li our house hermit. It h 3 phrases o / same genl char. b wi much less richness [[superscript]] [26] [[/superscript]]

Transcription Notes:
rod = old measurement of distance