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an echo o one beaut song. Heard a discordant note & saw a [[superscript]] 8) [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Tyrannus verticalis [[/underlined]] fly over. Saw also, what I took 2 b [[superscript]] 9) [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Sayornis phoebe [[/underlined]] [[superscript]] 10) [[/superscript]] Saw a [[underlined]] Caspodacus [[/underlined]] (frontalis mexicanus ?) on a - telegraph wire I /ink. [[superscript]] 11) [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Passer domesticus [[/underlined]] building mud - prob n swallows old nests ab trimmings o capitol, & [[superscript]] 12 [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Scolecophagus cyanocaphalus [[/underlined]] walkg ab wi oscillatg hd pickg [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] worms fr / lawn.
Workmen crossg bridge wi pails fa/er asks pop - some say 50,000, o/ers 30, & some doubt t. Req'g 2 use glass [[?]] n spectacle. Fa/er made it easier by ga/er'g statistics. After breakfast went n st car / seats facing & wi change box swnig on pulleys driver pulls bk n for/ f face /o middle o top o car / 2 capitol. Improving [[subscript]] [27] [[/subscript]]