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or bare sand - an occas sink wi buttes ad it or x. B /en we came 2 / Palisades - perpendic cliffs wi gt basins worn n /em - one on archway & smaller holes. A caƱon n one place. / rocks, reddish, w v many places cast by yellowish lichens gi warm effect. Saw red wings o [[underlined]] C. cafer [[/underlined]] as it flew ab [[strikethrough]] sur [[/strikthrough]] face o cliff. /ot first h nest n one o / holes of / rock 
Saw also a [[insertion]] ^ hawk [[/insertion]] bbd. & a dove flew swiftly across face o cliff & /en up, light'g on a ledge o rock where it prob w nest'g. Strange how / least shadow o a suitable place r seizd upon by / bds even n / middle o a desert.
How r /eir migrations across it effectd? Do /ey pass over it? If x, how discover /is & Humbolt oasis?

[[insertion, left margin]] At sunset we got beaut effect on Mts on st. Snow Mts wi [[/insertion, left margin]]

[[insertion, right margin]] warm rose on snow piles on brown rock b ag low [[/insertion, right margin]]

[[underlined]] Sat mg [[/underlined]] we brkfastd at 5 by [[subscript]] [34] [[/subscript]]

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of where to put insertions so have transcribed them on the bottom of the page. If volunpeers can work out whether to put them please edit -@siobhanleachman looks to me like there is an arrow before the last line pointing to one, so I moved them there. -megshu