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/n w a squaw wi a papoose n her arms. We askd 2 see / pap b she held / red bandana close on / head o / cradle & said coyly - "w giv me 10 cents"!
/ frame & shapd li coffin [[image - coffin shape]] & h project - roof over babies head. Its body s wound tightly wi cloth - or prob it s slippd nside a canvas sack t s pastd  2 / frame. Mrs Watson fr Rockford wantd 2 take / baby's pict b as soon as she took her box out o / little lea/er case / squaw turned & walkd off - same as o/er did Friday.
Rode near lake most o way fr Ogden 2 S.L. cars lkd li house clean'g - 2 rows dentist chair on left-side & one on rt 1/2 way down & /en change - reverse. [[subscript]] [36] [[/subscript]]