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Saw where endowmt house w n corner o tabernacle yd. b x near eno 2 tell any/ing ab it. Formerly used 2 go 2 b seald 2 wives.
Driver wed a Morman
Woman says ch x agree on / subj & so did x talk ab it. Shows houses all over city where diff wives livd - n better class wives seem 2 h separate houses. 
Camp Douglass delightful on height over city. barracks on sides o common & officers pretty nice [[strikethrough]] cond [[/strikethrough]] houses picturesque cottages ab.
Piazzas wi wives skidl'g.
Views down nto valley - over lake & mts beyd beaut.
Pickg flowers - "look out f snakes". Driver. "Let 'em rattle"! Went bk 2 hotel & restd till dinner. Sunday [[subscript]] [42] [[/subscript]]