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/in patient lips - kept lkg me over dress, gloves. etc - wondering dazed sort o look, b sweet smile when she cot my eye. / seat held 2 girls - ab 13 - a [[insertion]] ^ plain [[/insertion]] woman who lkd as if she w /eir mo/er - some yger child  ano/er woman (yger [[insertion]] & prettier [[/insertion]] /an 1st mo/er & I guess'd mo/er o / yger child.) /en man - husb o / 2 as I guess'd Husb calld away & child betw folld so 2 women left sittg side by side. Did x move up - bo/ wi sad eyes. Yger woman less patient - glared at o/er woman as if jealous. Horrible heart ache n city.
Preacher talkd li foreigner on class o x. Spiritual, earnest, folld by old Latterday St. white-beardd man told
[[subscript]] [44] [[/subscript]]

[[vertical, left margin]] Women mostly servant girl class. [[/vertical, left margin]]