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Left S.L.C. Monday AM at 9.30 A.M. Beaut fertile valley wi quantities o trees. Passd Utah Lake a pretty li green lake.
/en nto Wasatch Mts - H an xcell dinner at Provo & /en on into Spanish Fork CaƱon where gt deal o red rock wi green o trees picturesque. 
Sedimentary rock [[image - slanting lines indicating sedimentary rock]] (at L)
Bold juttg rocks, & rugged cliffs & peaks. One [[recas?]] log cabin, clear Creek bord'd by trees & willows - pretty fresh b water lk as if over clay - gray.
Follg on came out o high broken mts 2 gray wi lower hills & covd wi evergreens. 22 miles beyd / summit I lookd out o / window & [[insertion]] ^ nvoluntarily [[/insertion]] startd up out o / seat at / sight. 
A giant column o rock rose high ag / sk 570 (?) ft. We stoppd ab 15 min. & w nearly [[superscript]] [46] [[/superscript]]