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[[pre-printed dates and headings]]

Wea.     MON. OCT. 10, 1927     Ther.
A working on Youths C. story.  I cleaned windows etc.  In P.M. both over to see Rosells house & plan where to put boat for winter - think now to put it back of Jims.  Down the harbor with out board - looked for scallops but too dark.

Wea.     TUESDAY 11     Ther.
I sitting out drawing a while.  Both over to dock, launched coal box & put it back of Ralstons - A finished one drawing.  I to Huntington in afternoon got pair shoes & stockings & my coat from cleaners.

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50 - 60 mile gale
Wea.     WED. OCT. 12, 1927     Ther.
Columbus day so didn't go to Dr's.  A finished second Youths Comp drawing.  I did a wash.  A put anchor down in Lindmarle's boat - ^[[it]] cut mooring chain.  Taphouse boat bumped us.

Wea.     THURSDAY 13     Ther.
"Watson" name of man to see at Brooklyn ship yard.  I very stiff neck, A a cold.  Found moths in grey blanket & several other places so cleaned out & threw out.  I to Huntington took grey blanket to Laundry.

A mailed drawings to Youths Companion, sent them bill for 150 - two stories.