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Tripliers. Couldn't find Shoes -
Made sketch at library. home
for dinner - Weather same - B.4
[[line across page]]
Tuesday May 27
7AM Grey dawn with sun showing
through. Calm, air to 
W of average
Took on 20 gal. Gas.
5 for Drink
Pd Chinaman in full [[underlined]] 4.59 [[/underlined]]
Sharp came took shrimp
Rain all after noon -
Reds marketed.
Finished Pict Rev. Story 
[[strikethrough]] Called at [[Cinema?]] & Red Cyl. & [[infusers?]]
[[line across page]]
7AM. Wed May 28
[[underlined]] Calm [[/underlined]] Gray - Even - 
Very hot.  Rain in PM.
P took off window sash

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Used varnish remover on
wheel doors & cockpit
railing. Matted dwgs
[[line across page]]
7AM Thurs. May 29.
Calm airs fm west facing -
Deliver Pict. Rev Story
Got suit at Tripliers.  Jobs fm Life.
Bought Carpet Sweeper & Elephant 
for Peggy & [[Saballa?]] & Bloomers 
for Reds. Reds helped Mrs. Huntley -
with flooring - Rained 
all afternoon
[[line across page]]
Friday May 30
Decoration Day
6AM Breeze (2) No. West.
B [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 2 [[image: drawing dark circle with inverted triangle labelled B]] wind all day
Going to Davidsons.
Read letters to mother
to them etc.
had nice time [[circled]] they are strained a bit, financially [[/circled]]
Dgan [[gave?]] [[?]] [[?]]

Transcription Notes:
What sometimes looks like an underline is the line he makes to divide one date from the next. Tripliers is NY tailor