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Sat June 7
West  Airs - M. B. Still Cool
[[?]te] warm Letter fm Pict.
Rev. wanting [[mon ana?]]
also MSS. Mary become
heiress. Painted in [[sede?]] [[JsSkiff?]]
& put in board.
Sun. June 8.
AM. West airs B4.
Rauners Came
Mon. June 9
7 AM. M. B4 worked on Air
Boy Story' 10 fig
[[?]] but clouds
in PM. [[R circled]] [[?]]
Tues. June 10.
630 AM B M W.
Worked on Air Boy.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Down + Pict Rev. -
Mrs. E. thought Drawings
"Great." All liked them etc.
Has 3 more -
Back for lunch
Air Boy in PM.
[[line separating entries]]
Wed June 11.
B9. Airs fm East.
light film of clouds dirty-
white in East.
Photography is the art
of the Am. people. They
are not conscious of
this - When real art
Exists in a photograph
the "people" do not see
it and say it cannot
be art because the
things ^ [[insert]] magazine [[/insert]] illustrations etc