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time during the day 
Thurs. - 24
Up 530 AM. Fresh 
breeze thru dinghy 
& go up Lloyds Creek 
to see Dixons. Nicy 
give her all information 
& [[asks?]] us to Hale [[site?]] 
[[cales?]] - Red went to Huntington 
to mkt & bought 4 bags 
Charcoal. Dixon says 2 can live on $50 per mo 
& less  Dixon shows us Channell up creek 
we go up & anchor just 
below channel. 

[[end page]]
[[start page]] 
Beautiful spot 
Near Marshall Field 
place. & across from Livingston 
place with ducks  [[5 gals?]] 
Fri Sat.
B6. up at 5.30 
Tug goes up river across 
our bow - Set 2 eel pots 
went for clams & 
late for tide found 
horse crabs for bait 
In [[?]] to Meyers 
& D[[?]] [[Desin?]]bury -  

B. Sat. S6
Go to Hale sate with Dixons. Red to Huntington to Mat. New Flag
3 eels in pots

Transcription Notes:
mkt and mat = market?