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for burns. 1 gal bottom paint
1 qt. Non fouling White
[[Debvoise?]] 2.30 [[Groceries?]]
Ice etc Letter fm Mother.
Work-[[Shighty?]] [[nth?]]
Mailed Am Boy dwgs.
Fixed oil in engine
Set eel pots 3 with [[horse?]]
put & picked up 20
more clams in pur.
Dixons brought my
muscle cars. West Breeze.
Red Sick.
July 3. Thurs.
B2 C8. Calm
5 eels in one pot none
in other 2 put rigging up mast - Mr. Dixon

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hauled me up - To [[Sammes?]]
for rolls & cake.
Work [[netting?]] Thunder
storm in P.M. [[Wored?]] on
Life jacket & cleared out
Mr. Dusenberry came over
in Evening & we went
to Mr. Human BL
& then to their boat
Aug 1 Fri.
B8 - East Airs. 6 AM.
Got Clams made chowder
Mr Chamberlain came
having tried 3 times to
get here & being [[?]]
through a glass