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Char 500 fm G.
Wed 17. Sept
R. Calm R all day
Went to Huntington
& dep 500 in H. Bank
Cap Hu[[?]] brought 
us back 3
Sept 18 Thurs.
W. breezy B8. W.
Painted walls blue
Vegetables 1.5 corn 2 lb bean
2 String 1 tomats[[guess]] 1 white gourd
2 crookneck sq. Carrots &
beets 70 [[cent symbol]] at Edwards
Odd jobs on boat
bought paint etc
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
B Sept 19 Fm. Pict Rev
Cha. Tel Casey. Ord
jobs painted waler line
came to [[underlined]] Capt Waine's[[guess]]
mooring. [[/underlined]] Sunny.
Sat 20 B9 - Calm
Started pawling talked
with Capt. Eaton & took
Study for $45. [[?]] years
- 50 per year for 5 years
Huntington [[?]] Early
in AM. [[?]]rew 50.
Saturday with lelle[[guess]]
Odd jobs gan Capt
Calors[[guess]] Ch[[guess]]