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Fri 3 M. Calm Frost.
Fishes for Smelt - none.
Sent for Sears Roebuck
[[?]]eiveless[[guess]] tools. 5.8.4
[[?]] + Minght [[guess]] of Night
w[[?]] differs & under way
Moon. [[underlined]] Notices stopped Hallomen here. [[/underlined]]
Sat. [[?]] Nov 1. Calm
Caught some scallops
Mail & Huntington
Letter from Mother She
says Key[[?]] says to do
as she wants but
doesnt answer the
phone - Stopped at
Linde's boat.
Vance did not come
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
over - Wale[[?]] & to Mkt
Returned Telescope
Sun Nov. 2. Wind
fm South B10,
Turning sails ashore
Blew ^ [[insert]] cold [[/insert]] gale in P.M. fm
North. M made some
cloud sketches had
on L. I.sland thing.
Cleaned lamp.
Read some of Book [[?]]SS
Mon. Nov. 3.
Still blowing Storming
fm North - Colder.
First cold weather.
w han had cold day
Trees still hold