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Oct. 30 - Elizabeth came - Liked Arthur's new things to exclusion of paintings - said they were - "A profound philosophical experiment."
Talked of marriage + divorce.  E. said S thought too much of people. + that my painting them to know about us was my ego.  Much more.  If we could clarify things [[vs?]] ourselves into anothers clarity.  We can't except perhaps as the dripping water.  Showed her glasshouse and house.  [[?]] away a stone.  After she had gone Al Roselle came in to see us.  Afterwards Arthur + I remembered as closely as we could his talk + wrote it down.
A complete day.

Fri. Oct. 31 - Nothing in particular

Sat. Nov. 1. Cleaned boat.  Both of us felt like fishes out of water.

Sun Nov. 2.  Sewed.  Read New Testament.

Mon. Nov. 3.  Finished "A Story Tellers Story," by 
Arthur + I walked to Huntington.