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Tues. Nov. 18.  Cold.  Arthur covered boat.  Worked all morning on animal painting.  Helped plan ^[[boat]] covering an hour or so.  lunch, then cleaned up boat inside + cock pit.  It looks very nice + is warmer.
Both tired by night.

Wed. Nov. 19.  Wrote to mother.  Arthur paying bills etc.  Both walked to Huntington. went to bank, post office, got 3 Pictorial Reviews [[?]] [[as?]] drawings.  Arthur got slip on sweater + [[blouse?]] for birthday presents for me.  Marketed.  Did very little in P.M.  Wrote endings for limerick in "Liberty."  Both annoyed there at.

Thurs. Nov. 20. -- Arthur drew, I posed till dark at 3.30.  Bo[[rk?]], Houghton Mifflin Co.  [[Rowed?]] over to [[Shuts?]] ship yard for [[Catalogue?]] [[Wiscrime?]] engine.  Arthur

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wants a Palmer.  Marketed, had dinner, read print. [[erased]]+ to bed.[[/erased]]

Fri. Nov. 21.  Headache.  Wrote to Mrs. Dove. in the P.M.  Trunk came from her blankets, pillows, etc.

Sat. Nov. 22.  My birthday.  A slam bang storm.  Arthur put on oil skins + went to Huntington.  Came in [[mili?]] presents + presents.  Cake from [[french?]] pastry ^[[chicken]], + 2 [[?]] wool [[strings?]], 2 silk, had ordered chair + [[Boston Cord book?]].  We had a lovely day together.

Sun.  Nov. 23. ^[[up at 7 A.M.]] [[Ceoned?]] boat + washed hair in A.M.  Papers.  About 3.  ^[[Wed.]] Claire + Dorothy came bringing flowers + cake.  Very nice time.

Mon. Nov. 24.  Up late for us. 9 or so.  Started painting of flowers, needed paint ^[[cobalt [[?]]]] telephoned Schneider.  Nut cake + pair of stockings from Cl[[int?]].

Transcription Notes:
Her "+" is an ampersand "&"