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         JANUARY 1925
SUN. 18  Read print. Ate Chicken. Both walked. Miss Taphouse[[??]] came. Arthur started a cold.

MON. 19 Arthur's cold better, thank God  Pictorial Review story done - Washed - also hair, Letters from Elizabeth & Dottie. Wrote Mother & Chub.

TUES. 20 Wrote Mary. Beth to Huntington 5710 box to Mrs Dove. Ironed in P.M.

[[circled]] Me S [[/circled]] WED 21 Arthur to N.Y. Took "Rain" "Sacreligion." & P.R. story  Cleaned boat. Miss T. came. Arthur back at 7. Talk.

THUR. 22 Sick in bed till noon.

FRI. 23 Bad headache - In P.M. A. to Tony's I drove him back, here for 2 hrs. very funny.

^[[A. in much pain all night]] SAT. 24  Better. Both up early - Eclipse.  Cold violet light & one beautiful minute.  A. photographed E. sea guls, boat me.  cleaned boat.  To market.
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SUN. 25  Sat. night Arthur terrible ear ache, Im up.

MON. 26  Washed and ironed.  Sent laundry.  Whitney Scudder in with wild duck.  Tel. Dorothy.  Eric coming.  Both wrote to her.

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TUES. 27  Letter from Chub, she & Douglas are adopting child.  Very wonderful news.  Wrote to her.  Wrote Montgomery & Ward  Big snow storm - 

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WED. 28  Odds & ends - cleaning - mending.  Read story - 2 P.R. & A. started drawings.  to market  Tony here.

THUR. 29  Posed for P.R. story - 

FRI. 30  Worked on P.R. story

^[[Hecksher v Mus]]
SAT. 31  Both walked to museum in A.M.  Wild duck for dinner did me in.