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APR., 1925 MAY
SUN. 26  headache.  Dr Beers[[?]] in. Club, D. & Norah.  Dorothy McLang[[?]] had long gossip.  To glass house & house in woods.  More serious talk - Arthur as to Mothers, D, as to sons.  Supper at 11 P.M.
[[Hand drawn line across page under entry]]
MON. 27  All up at 7 or so & Dorothy to N.Y.  Man worked on engine.  not fixed.  R.P.M & [[?]] & missing badly.
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A. called up David[[son?]]
[[hand drawn line connecting entry to that of MON. 27]]
TUES. 28  This & that - Read in Dance of Life  very fine.
WEDS. 29 A to Huntington, when back I read Dance of life - parts of it to him.  To glass house in P.M.

THUR. 30  Sewed.  Hard rain - not much done.

FRI. 1  MAY  A. painted on Indian Spring  I to Huntington marketing P.M.  Made over black silk hat & straw  C.R.[[?]]  Cake in P.M.  A. made music in eveing[[?]]!
SAT. 2  left late, very cold.  moved chains to stern & worked on boat.  Letter from Mother.  ^[[One from]] Mary enclosed.

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MAY, 1925
SUN. 3  Read papers.  Mr Samio in to look at engine.  Later Jimmie MacGowan & Mr Taphouse in, from sailing.  Cold and glad for a nip - very funny.  Discovered hole ^[[in engine   Dick looked at [[?]] ]]
MON. 4  Tim over & patched hole, Dick here at 2.30.  Put long spark plug in back cylinder, strong battery & we went out.  She ran swell, made 7 m.p.h.  ^[[A. said]] we looked positively foolish! (with joy)
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I painted [[?]], & plumbing & sewed.
[[hand drawn line connecting line above to MON. 4 entry]]
TUES. 5  Up at 7.  Cleaned boat, both painted engine.  to glass house watered pansies.  put silver paint on cables.  Letter from Chub, photos of D & N [[?]]
[[hand drawn line across page under entry]]
WED. 6  Up at 8.  held d[[?]] while A painted hull, he having started at 5.30  To Huntington in P.M.  Helped with mooring &  Wrote to Chub & Bill .  Sent [[?]] as M's letter  [[hand drawn line dividing this entry from next]]
THUR. 7  Up at 7.  Washed.  ^[[A & I]] scraped mizzen boom & gaff.  Sewed, ironed - A did boom  Washed hair.
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FRI. 8  Letter from Norah - Up 8.30.  Scraped and varnished steps.  Silvered anchors and turnbuckles.
SAT. 9 Bad head ache - nothing accomplished.  Better by eve. & am for adventure.  We slept in clothes ready to go out by moonlight but too cold.



Transcription Notes:
*D & N - Chub's husband and adopted daughter? - best guess at initials TML * mizzen boom and gaff - boat parts TML