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MAY, 1925
SUN. 10  Engine wouldn't start in A.M.  Finally got off & down to gut in P.M.  Back to Al's for 10 gal. gas.  ^[[a slow rain]] 
Mr. Taphouse in told story of his drink on [[??]] you. 
MON. 11  Rainy day.  To glass house.  Started reading "Last of the Mohicans"  loved.
TUES. 12  Scrubbed cabin (outside).  to store & lumber yard for paint.  Did [[?]]  Jimmie Mac Gown here to dinner, helped move mooring.  To Huntington at 5, got greens & New Yorker.
WED. 13  Painted cabin top & sides.  Varnished hatches.  A. got dinner.  A. put creek mooring on dink & me  started for Lloyds.  engine stopped.  A found timer slipping.  Tony here in A.M.
THUR. 14  Up at 7. for mail & groceries.  A & J. McG.  Fried [[?]]  engine starts better. To Lloyds with mooring, went aground.  Back at 2.  Cablegram from Mary wanting $100.
[[Hand drawn line across page under entry]]
FRI. 15  A. to Huntington.  Cabled $100 to Mary.  $7.00 for calling.

SAT. 16  Cleaned and painted boat.  tried out engine.  ran O.K.

[[end page]] 

[[start page]] 

[[notation in top margin of diary page]]
Bill = Bill Torr, brother of Reds
[[/notation in top margin of diary page]]

MAY, 1925
SUN. 17  Rosenfeld & Mis Narmberg[[?]] for the day.  Liked Miss N. enormously.  Lay out on decks, much talk.

MON. 18  ^[[Washed]].  Tried out boat, got beyond Light house - bearings got hot.  back all right.  Scudder, Jimmie & Taphouse over & found valve on front cylinder clogged up.
[[hand drawn line separating this entry from next one]]
TUES. 19
A. To Huntington   I mailed letters to bank etc.  Cleaned & catalogued kitchen closets.  Letters Mom Mary, Bill, p.c. from Mother.
.S. WED 20  Started painting of shell.  A started tin, cl[[?]] & glass meter.  Bad indigestion, J. McG. in for all lunch with A.  Sewed on white dress in P.M.  To bed early.  ^[[Davidson tel. sold place]]
[[hand drawn line across page to separate entries]]
THUR 21  Up 7.30.  Cleaned boat, sewed on w.d.  J. McG. for lunch.  A & he bent on sails.  Lay out on deck.

FRI. 22  Up at 7.30.  Started out 8.30 engine grand  J. McG. along, pulled lobster pots.  Caught flounders  Went to Center Port harbor.  Letters from Bill & Chub.  To Taphouse party.  
SAT. 23  To Huntington in A.M. - Big wind lightning & hail storm P.M.   

Transcription Notes:
*dink -- type of boat TML *Reds is nickname of Helen TML