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JULY, 1925
SUN. 5 Both lying out beyond light house
in boat in eve. Engine running
MON. 6 Washed ironed & scrubbed boat
To Huntington - cleaned out
closets. Tony here-
TUES. 7 Letter from Chub. Zoler
came at 11.a.m. Dinner & out
around lighthouse.
WED. 8 A & Zoler clamming at 6A.M. Finish
by 6.30. Cleaned boat, mended.
Hard rain. Dinner & interesting talk most of P.M Zoler in
THUR. 9 Fine [[?]] out to lighthouse, sails &
engine. Zoler sick. Fished
caught none. J. here in P.M. Zoler better
by evening.
[[circled]] S [[/circled]]FRI. 10 Rained. I sewed, Arthur
napped, Zoler sat & looked
All to bed early. Noler sleeping in hammock
most of night.
SAT. 11 Zoler goes. A.M.

Transcription Notes:
No need to transcribe pre-printed reference materials. quinnk Archives of American Art Thought name was Noler, but clearly Zoler in the Sat. entry.