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JULY, 1925
SUN. 19  Alive & lovely day.  Out to Sound, Dorothy's first trip on Mona, she delighted.  Back to dock & anchored dinner there ^[[after swim.  A &]] I clammed.  
MON. 20 ^[[?]] Up at 7.30  D. back to N.Y.  Letters from Mary & Dials with A.s Storm in silver reproduced.  Painted for a row in eve. & watched tug come in
TUES. 21  ^[[?]]  Both painted all day.  A [[underlined]] on - "Negro goes Fishing. [[/underlined]]
WED. 22 ^[[?]]  A. to Huntington early.  got blue shirt for negro thing.  Both worked - 
THUR. 23  Letter & 100 from A's mother  „Wrote to Davidsons & Zoler.  A worked on Negro, I painted my patches - Casey called up.
FRI. 24  Washed - large one.  Paint from Sch[[?]].  Wrote to Davidsons & Zoler.
[[hand drawn line across page under entry]]
SAT. 25  Story from Am. Boy.  Eddie here at 10.30 Ralph later, both to dinner - greens from Edwards.  A. sent check to Bill, I to Huntington.
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JULY, 1925, AUG.
SUN. 26  Bummed mostly.  A made sketches for story.  Taphouse in evening.
MON. 27  A. to Edwards for vegs. early.  I posed & he drew.  drawings well started.  Jimmie to supper.  Called Casey up, coming next Tuesday.
TUES. 28  Did small wash, painted cockpit floor  Letter from Howard, is coming Sunday.  A. varnished c.p. floor  A. wrote to his mother.  I to Chub & Howard   
WED. 29  Ironed.  A & I painted decks, A varnished them.  Letter from Bill  cleaned boat.
THUR. 30  Posed.  Cut over black & white dress, sewed.  To Edwards for beet greens & corn.  Read "Deerslayer aloud in evening. 
FRI.  31  Letter from Mrs. Dove.  A wrote to her, I to Bill.  A finished story - grand relief.  I finished dress.
SAT. 1 AUGUST   To Huntington, presents for A & food.  Scrubbed paint in boat.