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AUGUST, 1925
SUN. 2  Howard here - he "shot to pieces."  To shell dock  fished & swam.  Back to M, supper  Morrisons here.  Not much sleep.
MON. 3  Howard left 7.30.  C[[?]] head ache lying down all day.  A did chores & clammed
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[[circled]] S [[/circled]] TUES. 4  A day for Casey.  Very early start.  I got [[?]] A. likewise.  I picked [[?]]  30 being fishes dinner, back a chat - [[underlined]] done [[/underlined thank God!  
WED. 5  In most of day.  A to Huntington.
THUR. 6  Cleaned up boat.  To Lloyds creek in P.M.  to Dusinberries for supper.
FRI. 7  A worked on "Negro Fishing"  I mostly made white dress.
SAT. 8  Up early & with Edie to Halesite.  went aground, reached H.11.30.  E & I to Edwards.  Check from Am Boy  Ralph & us back to L. 
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AUGUST, 1925
SUN. 9  Up at 10.  feeling better.  Painted cedar trees.  A & I talk on Energy!  work, early rising, geniality.  cleared us up.  Thunder storm.
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MON. 10  Up early.  in for swim.  Finished cedar trees.  A worked on "N.F."  Both did wash in row boat rain water.  washed hair.  Thunderstorm in night.
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TUES. 11  Up at 6.45.  A & I walked on beach.  I painted mussle shells til 7.P.M.  A did Sea Captain.  at 8 started for Halesite.  Got to mooring in nick of time
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WED. 12  Up at 7.45.  A to Edwards  A backache.  Cleaned boat.  To Huntington.  Letters from Howard & Mrs Dove
THUR. 13  A's back ache severe, had to lie down all day.  J. in to dinner.  I painted in P.M. no good.
FRI. 14  I for milk & ice.  Both painted  I on block pine apple, less clutching at facts - more thing in itself.  Hydroplane up near us  A better.
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SAT. 15  Both to the Bank, check to Bill - scrubbed paint inside in P.M.  Finished white dress.