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Zero AM.  water frozen.  Tel. Geneva  Still blowing hard.  Tel. Casey & Stieglitz  
I painting.  
Wrote to Mary - A. did also.  sent her 5.00

[[notation in left margin]]  
Negro goes Fishing
[[/notation in left margin]]
R. To N.Y.  A to Huntington.  To room 303.  Steiglitz asking about A. for most of two hours.  Feldman in.  Saw Seligman, Rosenfeld  O'Keefe, telephoned Elizabeth.  Davidson in, he & I to Quinn show - a drop after A's - more pictures than feeling.  Steiglitz said Brancusi said "plaster cork" [[underscore]] "handsome" [[/underscore]]. Frenchman - curator of Boston musuem said,"(Fishing nigger)- "grand, "Plaster," pure beauty," Ralph Dusenboer[[??]] said "wittiest thing I've seen in America."  Child said "portrait of Mother artistic because" its restful to the eye!
[[entry continues in bottom margin of page]]
Met Elizabeth at Quinn show, & she, Davidson & I to lunch.  Took taxi & made 3.04 back to boat & A which I needed to see.  All intense and  - to me - a strain though

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[[start page]]

[[notation in top margin of page]]
as Davidson said "a shot"  I probably need.

SUNDAY - 31 [[circled]] S [[/circled]]
Drew wine out of crocks
R Sick in bed all day - A wrote to Family and Raleigh - 

A to Huntington, then working on "metals."  
I doing small things. 
 Al in. 

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the pre-printed reference material, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk Archives of American Art