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Both to Huntington, took suits to be pressed, bought gasoline stove - a Coleman - .  Strands telephoned, coming Sunday.  Letters from Steiglitz and A's mother.

A busy morning cleaning boat & preparing dinner.  Beck & Paul here at 11.45.  Had dinner 12.45, cleared up.  Mr Deveraux on dock, said he'd have Carle take us out in boat.  Down to lower mooring  Paul & I in for swim.  Made limeade, then out by light house & back to Halesite.  Supper & they left at 8.20  A very nice happy day.

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Both to Huntington, took laundry & got some at China [[??s]], got clothes, exchanged stove, marketed & back by taxi.

Both up early, A fishing & clamming with Jimmie, I to N.Y.  Got hat, hand bag, blouse & canned chop suey.  To dentist at one had teeth cleaned & 3 filled - all finished.  Walked to station & back on 3.04 train.  A had black fish all ready.  Supper & to bed early.

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art