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THURSDAY-5 [[hand drawn 5-point star drawn to right of date]]
A got 2 light house things started - canvas & sand on zinc.  I sewed, fixed shirt over & started on Neely's white dress, got it all planned & partly basted up.  Had swim.  Did quite big wash.  Swam.

A to Huntington, lots of errands, got food, ice, etc.  I ironed & washed blue crepe dress & pajamas & shirts.  In afternoon Irene & Buddy here, & I swam 3/4 of way to opposite shore.  Clam chowder for supper, very good.  Letters from Mother and one from Mary & Sam with photographs.

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Fog.  A working on Life drawing.  I read some of life of Voltaire & sewed on Neely dress.

Blacks stopped.  A fixed ^[[Johnson]] engine & around in little boat looking here & there.  Blacks ^[[stopped]] again in afternoon.

Transcription Notes:
There is no need to transcribe the prep-printed reference material that appears at the bottom of the page, but please note any handwritten comments. -quinnk, Archives of American Art