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Wea. WED. JAN. 11, 1928 (S) Ther.
Posing & drawing - on Elle's jokes.

Wea. THURSDAY 12 Ther.
Drawing & posing. Holly called up wanting to come down. I for walk & made drawing. Just as I got back to house Holly arrived. Later all to Huntington for Chop suey & Nashville & [[morris?]].

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Wea. FRI. JAN. 13, 1928 Ther.
Letter from Bill about [[underlined]] A's [[/underlined]] show. A drawing. In afternoon Holly & I to Huntington, H. got a lot of new records as a present to Arthur. Much talking of every thing in [[using?]]. Cheack for 75.00 from youths [[companion?]] for "The Wrong Road."

Wea. SATURDAY 14 Ther.
A to Huntington & drawing. Holly & I did chores & in afternoon went to Jacks & club and through old Scudder house - it in terrible shape like a filthy stable. H wants to [[?]] about it.
I washed hair, rather H. did Mr. Barnes here to sell typewriter.