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Wea. SUN. JAN. 15, 1928 Ther.
Holly not feeling well, had slight temperature. Read papers, I got roast chicken dinner. In afternoon A & I to station with H. who went back on 4.38 train. In morning H. posed. Trainer here to sell type writer, also Mr. Barnes the same.

Wea. MONDAY 16 Ther.
A. did last Elks drawing.
I clearing up house etc.

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Wea. TUES. JAN. 17, 1928 Ther.
A. to N.Y. Took Elks drawings to show [[Stieglitz?]], them to McCalls - he promised a [[?]] show soon. Hilder liked them but stripes on prisoner's suit had to be changed. A went to Okeefe's about & back by on 12.57. A letter from Hank & one from Robert. I doing chores building fires etc. I to Huntington for overalls.

Wea. WEDNESDAY 18 Ther.
I posed & A fixed & mailed drawing to Elks.