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Wea. SAT. MARCH 3, 1928 Ther.
I cleaned up house in A.M. in P.M. to Huntington with laundry. A doing chores in A.M. took naps in P.M.

Ther. 8 at 6 A.M.
Wea. Sunday 4 Ther.
Papers & this & that in morning. Just after dinner Spenses stopped wanting to take us for ride, we said we wanted to look at boat at North port so over we all went. Found her better than I remembered. Man there said Conway paid 600 for [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]] boats! Back after lovely ride towards Sand City & Spenses stayed to supper.

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Cold wind.
Wea. MON. MARCH 5, 1928 Ther.
A to Huntington to Bank & for store map [[?]]. I got coal & fresh & salt water. A called up Miss De Voy on Scribners - she said both jackets not in yet, she'd keep A "in mind".

Wea. TUESDAY 6 Ther.
Still very cold.
Got more coal, A doing chores. Did up paintings to go in.