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Postal from McCoys.
Temp. 72
Wea. WED. APRIL 4, 1928 Ther.
Very tired from trip to N.Y. Out for first row with Holly. Mrs. McClintock here with rug, Holly bought it. A little nap in afternoon. A reading book Davidson sent, lectures by Bodhananda. He still has tad cold. but no temp. - Holly & Hank in for the evening. Cleaned sewing machine. Wrote to Mother.

Wea. THURSDAY 5 Ther.
Letter from Mother.
Cleaned. A painted black on bow & stern of Mona. Had baked Cod fish for dinner. In P.M. Holly & I to Huntington, Got & sent box of nuts to Mrs. D. & Paul. I got black Canton crepe to make dress by combining one Mother gave me. A finished book.

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Wea. FRI. APRIL 6, 1928 Ther.
Both up, early 5.45. I cleaned a lot & started painting at 9.30. Painted till 4 P.M.
A working all day on bottom of boat at Bunces.
Hank & Holly here in eve. Out on deck to see brilliant round rising moon.

Wea. SATURDAY 7 Ther.
A worked on boat. I painted until about 2.30. Then fixed laundry & to Huntington.
Hank & Holly went to N.Y.