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Wea. MON. MAY 14, 1928 Ther.
Stopped for Marian & with her worked cleaning house from 9 to 5.30.  A carrying things to Yacht Club & painting on outside of boat.  So tired both to bed at 8 o'clock.

Wea. TUESDAY 15 Ther.
Stopped for Marion again, & cleaned house, had her until noon & worked there until 4.30.  Awfully tired.  A helped finish it up.  Letter from Elizabeth & more drawings from children.

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Wea. WED. MAY 16, 1928 Ther.
A stocked up & he went down to Cover mooring, very quiet & lovely down there.  I lying down - head ache - most of afternoon.

Wea. THURSDAY 17 Ther.
Rain. A wrote to Hank & Holly & his mother & went up in out board to Halesite.
I going over letters & things.  Books sorting inside boat.  Had Jim & Irene to dinner - talked about the Irish & religion, etc.  Not bad.