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Wea. SAT. JUNE 23, 1928 Ther.
A to Huntington.
In P.M. both to Yacht Club with paintings & looking at them all.

Wea. SUNDAY 24 Ther.
Eddys here at 10.30.  Dinner here & down to lower mooring for afternoon, back & Blacks here. with bunch of kids.
Very tired when all had gone.

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Wea. MON. JUNE 25, 1928 Ther.
Neither doing much, took naps in afternoon.
Clear & windy in P.M. both rest in cockpit for hour or so.

Wea. TUESDAY 26 Ther.
A to N.Y. on 8.11.  I rowed him over, back & fixed boat.  Then to Huntington.  Sent magazines & postcard to Mother.  Got ice. Had [[time to?]] lay down a while.
Bad indigestion in night.  A back at 4.40. Started some things but no "bird in the hand".