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Wea. MON. SEPT. 3, 1928 Ther.
A pouring rain.
A worked in Yacht Club on frames. Got 3 cut. I did painting of shells, no good.
A got letter from Biel.

Wea. TUESDAY 4 Ther.
A got materials and glass, I washed & cleaned.
Jack Wood brought glass and I to Huntington with him taking laundry. Tony drove me down. I held frames while A put in screws. All large ones framed. A swept up whole yacht club.
Nice letter from Kathleen.

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Wea. WED. SEPT. 5, 1928 (S) Ther.
I fixed over Chinese blue dress, & French blouse, & cleaned & pressed things. Wrote to Ma - A telephoned Mr. Pratt who said he'd been on cruise & was about to call us up. Also called up Holly - A worked on pastels where they'd fallen off - A message from Mr. Pratt saying he'd be over for us at noon. Thursday. [[?]] bag.

Wea. THURSDAY 6 Ther.
A to Huntington, got umbrella. I cleaned boat & finished packing. Mr. Pratt here at 1 o'clock. Made 1.30 Ferry at Oyster Bay. To Islands! Small one with white farm house to be ours! He insisted upon taking me to lunch. Then to Stanford where I took train to Hartford, A to N.Y. and back to Halesite by 10. Mother & I had cookies & milk & to bed. Mother & Mr Taylor in station to meet me. Mother & I both too excited to sleep much. A also!