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Wea. SAT. SEPT. 15, 1928 Ther.
Jim saw Douglas' boat sinking, A, Jim & I over & bailed out with pails. Leak in our boat, pumped out. I to Huntington, Bruce here to look at leak, he & A took boat over to power h. dock, & at 6 Bruce Caulked it. At high tide we came back to mooring 11.30 P.M. Found boat still leaked!

Wea. SUNDAY 16 Ther.
Hurricane in Puerto Rico & Florida & other states - terrible time. A under cock pit floor all morning caulking boat, stopped leak. In P.M. down around light house, hailed by Mr. Egan, went aboard Revelation & they on our boat. All lit on theirs. Book & Club & Douglas & Van Wyck here.
About 6 Mr. Pratt, girl, Cap. Rapps & [[?]]Atro. He very nice, said he liked letter & lantern, said to come any time.

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Wea. MON. SEPT. 17, 1928 Ther.
I sorted photographs to return to mother.

Wea. TUESDAY 18 Ther.
I still had indigestion, & had cold in throat. A to N.Y. on 8.11. I slept, [[?]]ited cold & drank hot water. A back on 12.57. Got two small jobs from Colliers. Left my drawing with Mr. Smith, who liked it very much. In eve. A wrote to Mrs. Dove, I to mother. Got letters from Bill & Hank.
Man here looking at boat, seemed interested he'd he'd bring others to see it Sat. Only can pay 15,000, A asked 18,000.