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Wea. TUES. OCT. 9, 1928 Ther.

A to Stamford with Mr. P. then to the Frank Pratts in Rye. Mrs. P. very nice & sent me a large bunch of flowers & some chard. I did quite big wash, & cleaned some more. Lunch & I posed & A drew in girl till 6.30. In eve a Mr. Durning (brother of college friend of A's) came with Mr. P. very nice. Letters from Mother, who comes the 18, & Chub who has been very sick - grippe.

Wea. WEDNESDAY 10 Ther.

Gorgeous weather. I posed for man & hands of girl. A drew. A helped Mr. P. & 6 other men put engine on bed. I washed hair. A drew most of day, drawing very good. A picked all apples off our tree. Had good apple sauce for supper.

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Wea. THUR OCT. 11, 1928 Ther.

A worked on drawing, finished it Rushed up to P.O. & mailed it. Washed.

Wea. FRIDAY 12 Ther.

I called up Holly. Ironed.