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Wea. FRI. DEC. 28, 1928 Ther.
I posed, A drew in some figures in Pic. R. story.

Wea. SATURDAY 29 Ther.
[[strikethrough]] Both to Stanford, [[/strikethrough]] marketed, [[strikethrough]] came back & posed [[/strikethrough]] & drew.  Worked on Pic. R. story till afternoon, then to S. to market.

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Wea. SUN. DEC. 30, 1928 Ther.
I posed, A drew all morning.  Neely called up that Eva was there & they wanted to see us. I  asked them down. McCoys, Eva & Fred.  They crazy about this peace.  Had a chicken & waffle supper, & all had a most merry time.

Wea. MONDAY 31 Ther.
A & I to Stanford - A got haircut while, I marketed.  Back and worked on story.