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APRIL 7 Sunday.
Warm - temp 71 on our porch.
Mr. Pratt to Halesite.
People here all day.
I cleaned up house.
Mr. Dunning and daughter here in A.M. I stuffed chicken.
I called up Hilders asking them to supper, but they couldn't come. Neely called up asking us there - asked them here but they didn't come.
Dorothy McClure came, a nice talk with her.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pratt here -
And various people looking at collages etc.
In early A.M. Arthur out at 5 then 6 - got mooring moved. Awfully tired.

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Monday APRIL 8
Lovely & summary - 86%
I did a large wash.
A up at 6 got on chores up - a terrible job.
Then A to Stamford for no. plates for car, hair cut etc.
I out to boat; Threw few more boat things over board, brought curtains back for laundry.
Arthur's catalogues here - very swell. To P.O. Arthur addressed some & to bed early, I soon after -
Read in paper of people being prostrated by heat.