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APRIL 23 Tuesday.
Arthur to Noroton for supplies. I doing up clothes, paintings Art Naturals etc. etc.
Arthur putted & painted dink, & cabin top.
I wrote up diary.
Sent out more announcements to show - to Pousette-Dart - [[Honeymiller]], Perry Shephard -
Letter from Stieglitz - saying March-April was bought by Mrs. Norman.
That Mr. Eckert was in, & glad he came. Neat he thought. Mr. E. enjoyed the visit.

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Wednesday - APRIL 24
We moved aboard the Mona Back & forth -- etc. etc. etc. --- By evening a fire made in boat - bunk made up, supper - just as we finished Mr. Dunning, [[scribble]] gentleman friend & Mr. Pratt in. Both former crazy about cabin.
Arthur put up Angle lamp; it's very good.
To bed early tired but peaceful. A said he'd never been as happy any where as here.