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MAY 15 Wednesday
mailed letter to Hank & Holly.  Arthur to market.  I all morning making stuffed rolled steak & cleaning boat.  Arthur painting in house - woodwork with other painters.  Guests late.  I up & telephoned - no answer.  Finally here - Neely, Sam, & Eva - They'd been to party night before.  A. took Sam to station - he going to see N. Yorker about job, has one on [[?]] Sun.  Amusing afternoon.  In early evening Mr. Dunning and a Mrs. Collins in - had supper of leavings from lunch.  To bed.

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Gale in P. M. Thursday. MAY 16
Arthur & I both to Noroton, I up early.  A. painting bathrooms in house in A.M.  I paint removed varnish on both doors on boat.  A. varnished them while I got dinner. Okite brought a kitten from other island to bathroom-In P. M. both up & finished bath-r. Okite had brought second kitten, & gone for more, which we didn't see.  I put them in box.  Gale blowing as we came back to boat.  Fire out, made new one - Supper - A. napping.  I wrote to Mother.