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Temp. 94.
SEPTEMBER 4 Wednesday
I up to Halesite - with Mr. Bartlett. Got things at studio, Ralstons, ice, etc.

A painted on water tank - handsome as the devil.

Jim & Irene down - swam & fished.

The Count aboard - wined - talked.

Looked like a storm so we up anchored and back to Halesite, towing Count's boat.
A took clams to Herb & Johnny George.
A couple of showers, supper, bed for A, & I reading till latish probably / watch stopped)
Mosquitoes violent, both up spraying them.

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Cooler & Cloudy
Thursday SEPTEMBER 5
A to P.O. & boat, while I swept & straightened out studio.
First [[bk?]] - reading Sears Roebuck on Stoves - grand reading.
Up to Johnny G's for Car, to Mr. Edwards for corn, lima beans, etc. To Raleighs - no one at home but Crown David - left corn and tomatoes.
Back & did stuffed clams for dinner, made cottage cheese and A the angel did large washing up of dishes.
I wrote up diary. A napped.
Letter from Ma in A.M. mail, 5.00 there in.
Addressed early bathing post cards to Alfy (scandalous note in French from A) & to McCoys & Howards.