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SEPTEMBER 18 Wednesday
Arthur suddenly bound to action by having glasses etc. fall
off the buffet stove, so measured for pipe, went to
Schlingy's for boxes to make a closet.  We to Huntington
got pipe, oil cloth, a clothes horse for screen.  Al in
for finger wrapped, helped move stove.  We got pipe all together & the frame job done. A built corner cubbard.  I hemmed up black window curtains & put them up.
Arthur said probably he was doing it because a cold snap was
coming & be gosh the C.S. came at 5 p.m. It was 40.  We happily built a wood fire in the stove - it looked very merry & felt very nice.

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Thursday. SEPTEMBER 19
Both rather tired.  I only got place straightened up in P.M. and at 1 we both went down to Raleighs. Arthur and Hank went
snapper fishing.  Holly and I, Holly especially had a "talkie." Gents returned with 88 snappers.  We back to
P.O. & left a lot for H. Roselles & Johnny George, then A to A. Roselles, with more. We had some for supper - and to bed.
I borrowed Reminiscences - by [[strikethrough]] Dostoy  Dostoevsky [[/strikethrough]] Dostoevsky's wife, and
[[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] archy and mahitabel by
Don Marquis. read a little in each, started reading Archie &
Mahatibel to A. but neither of us in the mood for it so to bed. Letters from Mrs. Dove and Paul very nice ones, urging us to come, but next Friday now.