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OCTOBER 12 Saturday
A to Huntington to deposit check & marketed.
A letter from Bill asking him to come to Westport any day after Monday. Arthur replied at once saying he would go Wednesday. Sent Bill that darling child photograph "so he would know him when they met".
I cleaned place & fixed over Sears Roebuck dress which came, & put in. In afternoon Holly, Hank, Alfy, & Frank here, took us down to dinner. Very Jolly dinner but then Hank off to the races. We home & after much trouble there Hank to N.Y.

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Sunday OCTOBER 13
I up late and while still in pajamas & [[?]] Holly, Alfy & Frank came in telling us "all". Presently Holly reared backward in a dead faint. Frank & Alfy stretched her out on floor, soon she came too, lay down for a while then decided to go to her Mothers for a while. So they left. I cooked chicken. Arthur slept all afternoon, and I should have but still too keyed up. Both to bed early.