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NOVEMBER 21 Thursday
Arthur made frame, I doing this & that - lunch at 12.
Early in afternoon both to Huntington, on way back met Holly in taxi - looking very tired - just out from [[underlined]] doctors. [[/underlined]] She in for rest of afternoon - Arthur made frame work & hung boat awning at door way, a good help.

Letter from Mary - for my birthday containing lovely photographs of her, George & their really beautiful old house -

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Friday (S) NOVEMBER 22
My birthday - 43rd
I in bed till late -
A letter from Mother with check for 5.00 -
Arthur to Huntington - brought lovely camels hair sweater to me, but being blue & grey & I feeling for the warm colors these days, he took it back & brought a fine fawn colored one - also frosted me a cake with candles & little cakes - clam chowder & fish cakes.
About 2 Chub here with two baskets - a package & screen -
A pr. of silk bloomers, a knitted dress, yellow cushion - cake - pie - chocolate, box of some kind of cakes.  A painted card from Caroline - While she was here great excitement - over an old drunk who nearly drowned.  Chub & S thought he had. Jo fished him out Arthur, of course, & Eddie Holly to the rescue.  I to bed early - head ache.