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DECEMBER 25 Wednesday
Christmas. Arthur and I opened presents from Mother, Bill & Edith.
Cooked dinner. At 1.15 Chub, Douglas and Caroline here. Presents exchanged. Had a quite gay time. Al Roselle in. Archie in with telegram message saying Bill would be here next day.

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Thursday DECEMBER 26
Up early getting ready for our select guests. Arthur up to meet 10.30 train no one on it. Met the 12.27 & there were Bill, Charles, Brooks and Alfy. All jammed into the Ford. Had an amusing nice time Alfy fine & silly. After dinner Arthur drove Bill up for his car. Back, & all thought car a beauty. Arthur showed his paintings, Alfy thought them ahead of last years. Bill and Charles left about 4 o'clock. Alfy stayed till 9.57 train. More contented and peaceful than I ever saw him. A fine day.