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Arthur painting on sand paper machine. Forgot to eat, so fascinated with it.
March 6 (S) [[image - 5 point star]]
Saturday  should be M.7
I to N.Y. on 10.06. Went to gallery, O'Keeffe there - Paul Rosenfeld & Davidson came in with Steiglitz Rosenfeld ask me to go to Boston Symphony to hear a Stravinsky. I [[underline]] accepted [[/underline]]. Had lunch with O.Keeffe  To symphony. Stravinsky makes you hold your breath. Back to gallery. The O'Keeffe's more beautiful than ever. All took then down & started  placing the Doves. All out to dinner, back to gallery. Arthur's perfectly hung by 11.30 - I had a suite bedroom, sitting room & bath. Grand. Took a bath - A big storm. Wind sounded like stringed instruments. Awake most of night.

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March [[strike]] 7 [[/strike]]
Sunday - should be 8  [[image - 5 point star]]
In N.Y. 
At eight o'clock Elizabeth called up. She & Davidson arriving at 9. Breakfast in my suite. Dinner with Steiglitz & O'Keeffe. In P.M. Stieglitz to gallery, O'Keeffe & I talked in their rooms-later to gallery it looking marvelous. They out to supper, I stayed there reading "Margaret Andersons 30 yr. War" in bed. Still rain & wind.
Arthur painted all day on Sanding Machine.