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May 27
80% Wednesday
A most grown up little letter from Su.
Arthur working on boat.
Chub & Douglas here.
I down doing a little cleaning on boat, back, both of us lowly in P.M. Holly called up, will write.
I wrote to Davidsons thanking them for rare beads, and to lawyer in Hartford, & sent latter with lawyer's letter & one from Arthur to Jerry.
Arthur called Stieglitz up, he said painting had gone to Cleveland & that Sherwood Anderson had been in, liked paintings & wanted one when he can afford it.

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May 28
Sent off [[underlined]] 6th [[/underlined]] Irving Vance $2.00  Got out all summer dresses, all have to have this & that done to them - tires me to contemplate.
Both to Huntington, both got shoes, A 89 [[cent symbol]] worth of sneakers, I patent leathers at $1.00 a foot.