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76 [[drawing of star]]

Sunday.  MARCH 16
Papers.  Holly & Miss Watt - nurse in in afternoon.  Holly especially liked "Mill Wheel".  Later did up paintings - the Mill Wheel, "Below the Flood Gates" the "Barrells" and "Snow on Ice".  Also did up my designs.

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Monday - MARCH 17
Up [[underlined]] early, [[/underlined]] met Hank & Holly who took us, paintings and designs to 8.11.  I to Cheney Bros.  Mr. Worth had been in slight automobile accident and not there.  His secretary will let me know when I can see him.  Then to Stieglitz's where Arthur had just unwrapped paintings, S. thought them "very handsome."   Looked at the O'Keeffes again, very beautiful in clear light.  Bill telephoned then came, he, Arthur and I to Charlie's for lunch.  Then to Modern M. to see Paul Klees and Max Webers. A very thrilling show.   Home on 4.19.  Bill going to Simple Simon in eve. with Mrs. Cobb.